After a king of darkness threatens to wipe out all that makes individuals unique, a new leader, one born of light, must rise to the challenge and repair diplomatic ties to discover the truth of what it means to connect with others in spite of difference.
Project Info
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Demographic: Pre-Teen to Adult
Format: Series
Narrative Implementation
Ascension of Elements endeavors to examine ideas of identity, culture and perspective within the lens of fantasy. It intends to incite curiosity, provoke introspective thought, and resonate with viewers of all kinds, aspiring to push what can be done within narrative driven animation.
Ascension of Elements seeks to accomplish its goals by utilizing an abundance of character driven dialogue within carefully thought out scenarios. Characters will be faced with the realization that it is possible to see the world from different perspectives and still embrace the similarities that they share with others. Ascension of Element's intentional prioritization of character development and lessening of big action scenes will reduce budget costs, make action feel more impactful within the world and create a deeper emotional connection to the work with its audience.
The Dex
The Essence of Light
Bearers of the element of Light, the Dex are regarded as some of the most powerful beings in Vita. With bodies of pure energy and command over a spectral range of abilities, the Dex can pull off masterful illusions, feats of great force, and can defend what they hold most dear.
However, this society of isolation has fallen from grace in recent eras. With a nobility that seeks to exploit Dexian power for selfish benefits, the transition of power from one monarch to another, and the resurgence of a once forgotten adversary, times are changing within the domain of the stars.
The Valkirians
The Essence of Air
Hailing from the skies above, the Valkirian are a race of honor and freedom. Their control over the element of Air creates a myriad of opportunities. From floating cities, to intricate wind-powered contraptions and the ability to traverse long distances quickly, the sky is unequivocally the domain of the Valkrians.
Peace has long been the atmosphere of Valkirian society. Even so, the world of Vita is changing. Will their ideals of unification be upheld within this transitioning era, or will the Valkirian's search for harmony be a more challenging endeavor than ever?
The Oacians
The Essence of Water
As creatures of the deep, Oacians command the element of water. With forms suited to their dark undersea domain, each Oacian possesses its own elegant tail that aids in their traversal of the watery atmosphere.
The queen of the Oacians, Mira, holds authority over the sea floor and all that inhabits it. Mira controls every aspect of the nation down to its most minute details. As such, Oacians are disciplined to respect their monarch with absolute loyalty and service.
As time has passed within the domain, the quality of living amongst Oacian society has degraded as a result of Mira's indefinite reign. Disease, fatal labor conditions, oppressive laws, and severe economic inequality has caused a distinctive unrest from a disparaged population. Under a tyrant, change is a distant dream.
The Sapyres
The Essence of Fire
A race of joviality, Sapyres are warm, energetic and adventurous creatures with the tendency to be hot headed and overly passionate. With the ability to traverse the world's hottest temperatures, these hoofed beings each sport a set of pointed horns, a flicking tail, and an infernal body that burns anything they consume.
Although times within Sapyrean territories are intended to be mirthful, the Sapyres are in reality, starving. Their limited knowledge of farming and arid desert landscape has limited their options for nutrition, resulting in over-hunting and the invasion of other regions for resources.
The Varsyllus
The Essence of Earth
Among their tree brethren, the elusive Varsyllus populate the wooded lands of the continent. Varsyllus are gentle, quiet, and intellectual creatures holding mastery over the earth.
Over the last decade, the Varsyllus have been on the defensive, protecting themselves from the onslaught of Sapyrean invasions in their northern territories. In an attempt to protect their resources, knowledge and people, they have pushed to expand their military to a staggering degree. As such, Varsyllian culture has shifted. What was once a tranquil and fertile landscape has now been warped into a heavily guarded territory.